An Introduction

Hi everyone! My name is Allison Carr and I am a junior from Lexington, KY. My musical experience is pretty much just limited to my time in the middle school choir and band. I enjoy singing for fun, but I haven't had any structured lessons.

I never really had a lot of experience with this type of music other than in movies or other popular culture references. Most of the music we have listened to is new to me, so I am excited to learn more about music that is encompassed in this genre. I hope to learn more about the cultural implications of the music the class is centered around and how this music has influenced music and popular culture today. 

I was originally drawn to the recording of "All of You" Cole Porter due to the familiarity I had with Porter from last class. The song is very cheery and sing-song which resembles the music that we had heard from last class as well. I feel as though the music from this time period is different but also has sometimes even the smallest similarities that can be found in each song. Rather than the GAS being a genre of music, its almost as if its a collection of stories which I find interesting.


  1. Allison, I really enjoyed listening to the song that you shared. I had not heard it before, but it did remind me of the songs that we listened to in class. I am starting to make a playlist of these songs and I'll be adding this one to it!

  2. Great blog, Allison!! I can relate to you because my musical experience is also limited to middle school choir and band. I also am very new to this genre of music so I enjoyed listening to "All of You" by Cole Porter.

  3. Allison, I enjoyed this blog post! I also have music experience from middle school band so I can relate to how that influences my understanding of this course. I am also excited to hear new music from the genre. I love the song you chose, it is an interesting duet style. Frequently in duets I’ve heard the man starts off the song, so this was an interesting change. I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts during this class!


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